3 tips to make your juice diet healthier : Slimming Products

3 tips to make your juice diet healthier

Juicing is a great option to lose weight and here is how you can make your juice diet healthier.

The juice diet fad has taken over the world of weight watchers for long now, however, every fad has a flip side to it and there are now questions about the actual health benefits of juices.

3 tips juice diet healthier

Here are 3 tips one must follow while going on a juice diet, so as to optimize your weight loss plan.

1. Extra calories – While opting for juices instead of the whole fruit or vegetable, you need to make sure that the lack of taste is not compensated for by adding generous dollops of flavoring agents like sherbets, syrups and ice creams. All added flavors are laden with excess amounts of calories that aren’t going to be kind to your waistline!

2. Oxidization – When the fruits are made in to juices, the fruits oxidize and many of its minerals and vitamins are vanished or wasted. It is always better if the fruits oxidize in the stomach instead of a mixing jar or a juicer. The fibre, vitamins and other minerals can be well absorbed while consuming the fruit as a whole and not as a juice.

3. Extra sugar – If you’re juicing fresh at home without adding any extra sugar and additive flavors, then the extra sugar problem is out of the way. However, if packaged juices are your best buy, then losing those extra kilos is going to get difficult because of all the extra sugary calories packed in.

Moreover, eating is a more enjoyable and satisfactory experience as opposed to gulping down juices and tends to keep you full for longer, not to forget all the fibrous content that your body is robbed of by the juicer.

However, this does not completely demonize juicing as a diet option to lose weight, the process just needs to be rid of any unhealthy elements listed above.

Photo Credits: swasthalife

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Posted in: Diet Plan and Tips

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