Top 5 activities that help burn maximum calories : Slimming Products

Top 5 activities that help burn maximum calories

All exercises are good, but some are just better! Find out which activities help burn maximum calories.

Ever wondered why your simple home work outs aren’t leading the weighing scale needle to tick anti-clockwise? That might be a sign for you to switch to an activity that helps you burn the most amount of calories and thus, lose more weight.

top 5 max calories burning activities

Here is a list of top 5 activities that can help you burn maximum calories. 

1. Swimming – If you are a water person, then swimming is the way to go. This rigorous activity not only provides the whole body with exercise, but is also helpful to strengthen the joints. If taken up at great intensity, then swimming will help you burn 680 calories per hour. If you’re the kinds to laze around in the pool as opposed to intensive laps, then too, you will burn upto an average of 545 calories per hour.

Swimming exersice

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2. Running – Born to run! Running is great exercise for the body, not only is it exhilarating, but also helps burn an average of 700 calories per hour (provided you don’t pause too much in the middle). However, for patients with joint problems or issues such as slip disc, aggressive running is not advisable, as it sort of pounds at the joints, opt for swimming instead.

running helps you burn calories

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3. Mow your lawn- If gym workouts or regular routines are not your thing, mowing the lawn can help you lose weight! Simple household chores are surprisingly good for you to keep fit. Mowing the lawn can help burn an average of 200 calories per hour. Well, its not much, but something is better than nothing!

mow-your-lawn helps burn calories

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4. Squash – This dignified mens sport has the ability to help the body burn upto a whopping 820 calories per hour. The constant running in the squash court and the rigorous arm and leg movements help to tone muscles and shed those undesired extra kilos.


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5. Rock Climbing – If you’re the outdoorsy kind, then rock climbing is a great option. Rock climbing entails pushing your body to the maximum physical limit as you have to constantly pull your body upwards, the more pounds you weigh, the more energy you need. Rock climbing helps you burn an average of 500 to 700 calories per hour. 

rock-climbing lose weight

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