5 Foods to help reduce belly fat : Slimming Products

5 Foods to help reduce belly fat

Your increasing waistline can be aided by eating these foods which help reduce belly fat.

Belly fat is an issue which is faced by many people. A bloated tummy leaves an unpleasant impression on your personality and also makes you feel uncomfortable. Here are food which can help you to reduce your embarrassing belly fat.

foods to reduce belly fat.

Here are food which can help you to reduce your embarrassing belly fat.

1. An apple a day, keeps the doctor away – The fruit not just keeps you healthy, but also helps to reduce your belly fat due to its high fibre content. Fibre makes you feel full for long so you can avoid overeating and provides maximum nutrition.


2. Green vegetables – You can opt for any green and leafy vegetable, as they are all low in calorie content. A plate full of fresh vegetables is good for health and aids to have a flat tummy. Green veggies are filled with vitamins and minerals which avoids excess water retention in the body and avoids bloating of the tummy.

green veggies

3. Almonds with skin – Almonds are rich in vitamin E and also have plenty of proteins. They also contain fibre which can make you feel full for a longer time. Although they are a bit high in calorie content, the fats are natural and not prone to settling on the abdomen region.


4. Watermelon – Watermelon is known for its high water content and also has plenty of fibre and vitamin C. It helps to increase the body’s immunity and removes excess sodium from the body. It hardly has 100 calories per cup which can help you to reduce your belly fat.


5. Beans – Beans must be a part of your regular diet. It helps to improve digestion and develops the body muscles. Beans can make you feel full for a longer time so you can avoid overeating.



Photo Credits: prevention

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Posted in: Food for Dieting

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