5 Best foods for new mothers : Slimming Products

5 Best foods for new mothers

New mothers need to take care of themselves after birthing, especially for their baby’s health.

Now that you are a full time mother, apart from taking care of your baby and its needs, it is also essential to look after your own the diet. New mothers need to have ample nutritious food for, babies who are completely dependent on their mothers for breastfeeding. Here are some of the best food that could up the nutrition factor for new moms.

foods for mothers

1. Lean dairy products – When you are breastfeed your baby, it is essential for you to consume milk products. You can even go for lean dairy products, which contain less fat. Dairy products are important as they are a good source of calcium.

2. Brown rice – Having brown rice instead of regular rice is not just good for health, but will also help you lose the post pregnancy weight. Brown rice is healthy, is low on carbs and provides ample energy, which is essential for a new mother.

3. Eat fresh oranges – Mothers who are breastfeeding need to have more vitamin C compared to pregnant women. If you do not have access to oranges, plain orange juice can also do the magic.

4. Leafy vegetables – Green and leafy vegetables contain vitamin A, which is essential for the baby’s growth. Green vegetables are also a good source of vitamin C and iron.

5. Whole grain cereal – New mothers need to have plenty of energy to take care of their growing babies. Having a good whole grain cereal breakfast can provide ample energy to them.

Photo Credits: independent

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Posted in: Diet Plan and Tips

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