5 Benefits of walking for weight loss : Slimming Products

5 Benefits of walking for weight loss

Walking is more than just a stress-busting exercise. Learn more about benefits of walking for weight loss.

Walking is the most easy and less stressful exercise, which has several benefits that not many people are aware of. If you are trying to lose weight and cannot go through the drill and pressure of hard core exercise, put one step after the other and go for a walk! Here’s why walking for weight loss is beneficial.

Walking benefits

1. Strengthens heart – If you are a male, walking helps strengthen the heart, as men are most vulnerable to heart problems. Just 20 minutes of walk for four days a week can do the magic.

2. Helps prevent Type II diabetes – Walking on a regular basis not only helps reduce weight, but also keeps you away from type II diabates. Even if you have family history of the diseases, regular walk can help you avoid it.

3. Strengthens the bones – Women usually face bone problems during the middle age or during post menopause. Walking helps in keeping your bones reflexed, strong and healthy.

4. Helps come out of depression – Not many people are aware that regular walk can help a person come out of depression. Just 30 minutes of walk for three to five times a week can help rid your minds or reduce the symptoms.

5. Reduces risk of breast cancer – Women who brisk walk are 15 percent less at risk of breast cancer compared to women who are not so active in daily life.

Photo Credits: livemans

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