4 ways to lose baby weight with a stroller : Slimming Products

4 ways to lose baby weight with a stroller

New mothers always have a challenge to reduce their baby weight. Not many are aware that the baby stroller used for the baby can be a good fitness equipment. Here are a few ways your stroller can be a great way to help you lose the extra baby weight.


  1. Power walk – Just a good power walk with the stroller can be a great way to exercise  and lose excess fat. Make sure that you keep your hips closer to the handles. Be careful with your child on the stroller and strap it properly to avoid any mishaps.
  2. Strength exercise with stroller – Stand with the stroller and lightly grip the handle of the stroller. Lower down your body by bending the knees and repeat this 10 to 15 times.
  3. Leg lift –  Stand erect with the stroller, by holding with both hands and lift your leg towards the back and return to the starting positions. Make sure that you inhale  every time you lift your leg.
  4. Lateral leg lift – Hold the stroller with both the hands and lift your leg one by one from the lateral side. Inhale every time you lift your leg and exhale when you are getting back to your original position.

Photo Credits: rivercityfitness

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