4 Ways to include exercise in to everyday routine : Slimming Products

4 Ways to include exercise in to everyday routine

Everybody has a busy schedule these days with no time to workout and no time to pamper ourselves. Under such circumstances, there are a few simple tricks by which you can include some exercise in to your daily routine.

workout routine

1. Exercise while brewing coffee – In the morning, when you are brewing your cup of coffee, you can take that time to do a few squats while the cup is heating up. You can mix between a few sit-ups, basic squats, pistol squats and more to bring some variation.
2. Push-ups out of the bed – Just when you wake up do some push-ups, sit-ups, tricep dips and more. In this way you do not waste time and you do not have to fish out some special time for exercise.
3. Exercise while watching TV – Reports say that an average American watches TV for 5 hours on an average which can lead to obesity and other such problems. When you are watching TV, you can do a few crunches or run a stationary cycle in front of the TV.
4. Look for an opportunity to walk – Pick up the opportunity to walk whenever it is possible. Get up to get a glass of water and get up again to keep the tumbler back to the kitchen instead of keeping it just by your side.

Photo Credits: thefightmechanic

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