4 Ways to exercise at workplace : Slimming Products

4 Ways to exercise at workplace

Workplace does not mean that you need to be completely focused on your work. There are a few moments when you feel like taking a break and relaxing. At such moments instead of taking a calorie cup of coffee, go for exercises that can be done sitting at your cubicle.

workplace exercise

1. Exercise with chair – Your chair is your best partner for exercise at workplace. Just make sure the wheels are locked or is braced against the wall. Face the chair and rest your hands on the seat. Walk your legs behind to get the inclined position and raise the legs off the floor.
2. Crunches on chair – Crunches is a good workout for the abdomen. lock the wheels of the chair and sit on the edge of the seat. Sit back slightly while raising your legs together from the floor. Repeat this process and see your belly fat reduce in no time.
3. Twists on the chair – While you are sitting on your chair idle, sit up straight and do side twists. This will help to tone your body from the sides and give you a proper shape. When you twist hold on on one side for a few seconds before you go for the next side.
4. Side stretching on chair – Sit straight on the edge of the chair and reach both arms overhead while interlocking your fingers and press the palm towards the ceiling. Lean towards both sides and hold the position for a few seconds each side.

Photo Credits: sourceable

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