3 reasons berries are good for weight loss : Slimming Products

3 reasons berries are good for weight loss

Gorge on those colorful berries as they have numerous weight loss benefits.

Cranberries, blueberries, mulberries, strawberries, all kinds of berries are good for health. Not only are they packed with copious amounts of nutrients and anti-oxidants, but also have specific innate capabilities that aid weight loss. 

berries are good for weight loss

Here are the top 3 reasons why berries help with weight loss.

1. Low on calories – Calorie counting is probably the only thing that is an indisputable thumb rule when it comes to weight loss. Berries are low calorie foods, one cup of mixed berries contains not more than 100 calories. A word of caution here, berries topped off with a dollop of whipped cream or decorated on a cake aren’t counted!

2. Water content – Foods that are high on water content help in keeping the stomach full for longer. Berries have lots of water content in them which creates more volume and satiates the feeling of hunger. Hence, keeping all those hunger pangs at bay.

3. High fiber content – 1/2 cup of berries contain around 4 grams of fiber. Fiber helps you stay full for longer because it slows down the digestion process, keeping unwanted cravings far away. 

Berries in general are a good diet food because they aid reduction of calorie intake in a big way; the aim of a diet is not to consume empty calories and keep unhealthy cravings away. Berries help to keep the stomach full for longer with minimal calorie intake. 

The best results are obtained when berries are eaten in their natural form and not sprinkled with sugar and other sweet additives.

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Posted in: Food for Dieting

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