How to Lose Weight in College? : Slimming Products

How to Lose Weight in College?

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In order to lose weight and look good in college, all you have to do is burn more calories than you consume. This calls for some serious determination and making healthy choices every time you eat. Also, certain tips and tricks can help you stay on track and be focused regarding your weight loss goals.

How to lose weight in college?

  1.  Start your day by eating some healthy breakfast. Eating breakfast prevents you from gorging on unhealthy food at the end of the day. Set the alarm for five minutes early each day so that you have time to grab something to eat. Go for eggs, whole wheat bread, cereals, crackers, pasta, etc. Stay away from foods made from refined flour and rich in sugar. Switch to low fat milk and low fat versions of other dairy products. Eat a fruit that you like. You can even add some strawberries, blueberries, almonds, etc to your cereals to make it more wholesome and rich in nutrients.
  2.  If you feel hungry in between meals, go for some low fat yogurt or a fresh fruit. You can even munch on some nuts that contain healthy fats. Stay away from junk and packaged foods. Grab some sugarless granola bars to get over that mid-morning slump.
  3.  Eat more chicken, turkey, fish and other lean meats instead of steaks, beef, pork, etc. Make sure you eat the dishes that contain the least spices, condiments and oil. Go for eggs, beans, lentils, legumes, etc to fill in on protein. This will keep you feeling fuller for a longer period of time.
  4. Eat whole wheat crackers dipped in hummus or peanut butter during the afternoons. Grab a salad or a soup. You can choose some muffins made out of a mixture of whole wheat grains as well. Stay away from bagels, pretzels, cookies, doughnuts, etc.
  5.  If your mess serves unhealthy food, try and decide how much of what you can consume to stay fit. Eat small portions. Make sure you have some healthy food handy instead of mindlessly munching on potato chips or other unhealthy snacks when the cravings hit. Eat dinner early and if you are up late and feel like eating something, get some crunchy fruit and nuts to gorge on while studying. Get enough sleep and drink enough water to stay on track regarding your weight loss goals.
  6.  While ordering pizzas, go for some veg toppings instead of extra cheese and double topping ones. Eat food that is baked, steamed, roasted, boiled, etc. Stay away from deep fried items. Stay away from too much alcohol and caffeine.
  7.  Participate in some team activity and get moving. You can take a walk with a friend. Try walking faster and alternating speeds to burn more calories. Take the stairs instead of the elevators. Make sure you move around in between classes. Make the most of your free period by going for a run or hitting the gym. Go for some adventure activities and consciously make an effort to be more active.
  8.  Eat mindfully and chew and savor each bite. This will help you know when to stop eating. Do not eat and talk and get distracted. You will ultimately end up eating more. Tell your friends about your resolution to lose weight. Ask them to help you by helping you watch what you eat.

How to lose weight in college?

Stay motivated by looking at an older picture of you when you were slimmer. Know what you are doing wrong and analyze your eating habits to eliminate ones that are sabotaging your goals.Set some limits and restrictions on your partying and find out how you can switch certain foods in your diet with healthier alternatives. Exercise and stay motivated to lose weight and keep it off.

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