4 foods that help you eat less : Slimming Products

4 foods that help you eat less

It often gets tough to have a control on the size of your meal, especially for those who are really fond of their food. But what if there are certain foods that would actually help you to eat less and cut your cravings. Here are a few foods that would help you to eat less.

cravings food

1. Artichokes – Artichikes are good for health but are tough to cook. They take time to be cooked but are the best when you need to cut your cravings. The veggie contains 65 calories and 10 grams of fibre and 3.5 grams of protein which is enough to make you feel full.
2. Pomegranate – Pomegrante is another fruit that is difficult to eat as it takes some time to crack and open. Half a cup of pomegranates contains 72 calories, 3.5 grams of fibre. You can add them to you yoghurt or just eat them plain as a snack.
3. Spaghetti squash – These are one of those fruits that can be had any time. But breaking it is a task. The seeds need to be removed and can be used for dishes that need to be low in calories.
4. Grapefruit – Grapefruit is an excellent fruit to be had as a snack as it is low in calories and has plenty of fiber. A medium sized fruit has 80 calories and can be a great snack.

Photo Credits: wikimedia

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