4 Running mistakes that can lead to weight gain
You are surely burning plenty of calories while you are running. But a few people find that they are actually putting on weight instead of losing. Here are a few mistakes that you might not have realized and can lead to weight gain.
1. You might be consuming more calories than needed – Burning calories can increase your appetite. Here you might be consuming more calories than you actually need. Try having small meals in the day, which will help you to consume less calories than usual.
2. Not running enough – If you feel that you are not having satisfactory results, there are chances that you might not be running enough kilometers. When it comes to running, consuming 2,800 calories must be equivalent to 28 miles per week.
3. Drinking too many sugary drinks – Running makes you crave for liquids. Under such circumstances, make sure that you have plain water instead of sugary drinks or energy drinks which will not help you lose any weight.
4. Not having variety – When you are running, you need to test your limits at regular intervals. On a regular day if you are running 3 kilometers, then after a while try running at least 5 kilometers. Instead of increasing speed, you can also increase your speed or try different exercises.
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