4 Ways to lose back fat
Many men and women often face an issue of fat on their back. Thankfully fat in such areas are not troublesome to shed. First you need to identify which area you have back fat after which you can start working on. Here are a few easy ways to get rid of your back fat.
1. Target exercise – You need to do the high intensity cardio exercise which helps to burn fat and calories. Later you can determine which portion carries most of the fat and you can target on those areas and exercise accordingly.
2. Shoulder exercises – When you start working on your shoulders to make them strong and straight, the area beneath the shoulders automatically starts to look leaner.
3. Exercise for the waist – If you have plenty of fat around your waist, then you can directly start working on your waist. The oblique abdominal muscles have to be strengthened as these muscles help to contour the sides of the body and help it to bend with the sides.
4. Exercise for the lower back – Exercise for the lower back is the one of the most difficult ones. When you have more fat at the lower back an improper posture can make you look even more awkward. A few back extension exercises can help to tone down the problem areas.
Photo Credits: exercisesbest